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Collaborative Studio

Work to have done: a draft of your group project, in pursuit of the vision in your proposal

Plan for the Day:

  1. Final Portfolio Introduction (10 min)
  2. Set goals for today (3-5 min)
  3. Studio time!
  4. Set deadlines
  5. Exit teaser

1. Final Portfolio Introduction (10 min)

The final portfolio will consist of a single post on the issue queue containing:

  1. a prose reflection of at least 800-1200 words (1200-1800 recommended), reflecting on the course and framing the portfolio’s contents in terms of your learning and goals;
    • NB: I have a handout with guidelines and prompts
  2. representative thumbnails, hyperlinked to final versions of your four unit projects, i.e. Soundscape Narrative, Visual Argument, Website, and Collaboration;
  3. links to your repositories (on either GitHub or Box) for each of those pieces; and
  4. a thumbnail of at least one specific prior draft, hyperlinked to that file in the revision history, allowing you to talk about your revision skills.

In addition to the portfolio, or as preparation for it, I encourage you to retake the Tech Comfort Survey from the start of the semester. Among other things, it’ll give you a space to officially tell me whether and how I can use your work as an example in future semesters.

What questions do you have about all that?

2. Set goals for today (3-5 min)

Leaving time for the end of class to share a teaser of your project with the full group, what’s your goal to have finished by, say, 3:30?

What will each of you be working on first?

How long do you expect it to take?

How often will you check in with each other?

The Project Manager should document this somewhere.

A reminder of our bit.ly/cdm2019fall-criteria.

3. Studio time!

Use the time to enact your roles and move your projects forward.

Don't forget to save periodically as you go:
  • as a screenshot
  • as a git commit, saying what you've just achieved
  • as a project file or export, whatever's most relevant

4. Set deadlines (5-10 min)

Your individual tasks will be determined within each group, so make sure you discuss your goals with each other and write them down somewhere. Are you considering this piece done, or did you have a different deadline (Sunday)? Are there stretch goals you’d still like to try for? Who’s going to work on what?

5. Think about revision

When we get back after Thanksgiving, we’ll have just two classes. The first will be a revision-oriented studio, in which you can go back to work on any project you’d like… or to use class time to draft your final reflections.

The Thursday will be a celebration and sharing of your projects.

Which reminds me: there will be a Digital Media Symposium on Friday, December 6, from 12:30pm to 3:00pm, in CL 501. Hope to see you there!

6. Exit “note”: project teasers (5-10 min)

Usually we share drafts, get feedback, all that good stuff; in this unit, because each group already contains multitudes, I thought we could get away without it. But you have been working kind of isolated from each other, so in lieu of an exit note, I’d like to ask each group to do a little oral preview of your collaborative project: just tell us what you’ve been working on! We should have time to do more in-person playing through of the sites on the last day of class.