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Last day of class! Looking back and looking forward

Work to have done:

  • Identify something said, read, or made in this course that you want to remember beyond this semester.
  • Consider what earlier reflections, feedback, commit messages, etc you’ll want to include in the final portfolio to support your introductory letter
  • Otherwise proceed on your plans toward consolidating and integrating what you’e learned

Plan for the day:

  1. OMETs (and tech comfort survey, take 2)
  2. Gifts and Remembrances (optional)
  3. Studio time
    • Final portfolio FAQ
    • Set an intention
    • Exit note
  4. The ends of a term


I know some of you have already turned in your surveys for the Office of Measurement and Evaluation of Teaching (yep, that’s what OMET stands for). If so, you can feel free to work on your own projects, though I hope what I’m about to say is still useful information. Actually, I hope you all know this stuff already, but my experience has been otherwise, so I try to say it in every class:

Remember that these evaluations of teaching serve multiple purposes, and go to multiple audiences:
  • They'll go to my program director, to help determine if I should keep teaching this course;
  • they'll become part of my portfolio application for tenure, read by other faculty inside and outside my department;
  • and, after grades are turned in, they'll go to me, so I can use them to revise and update the course. For that purpose, I especially value the free responses. (I also added a few Likert questions that are particular to this section of the course.)

So the OMETs are pretty important!

If you haven't yet filled out your survey, please do so now. You should have a link to the survey on Canvas, or in your Pitt email

EXT 1: Similarly, I know some of you may already have filled out the end-of-semester version of the Tech Comfort Survey, but if you haven’t, I hope you’ll consider doing so now.

EXT 2: If you’ve done both of those things to your satisfaction and you’re waiting for your classmates to finish, you can use this time for solo work on your portfolio / revisions or your final reflection.

I'll turn off the Zoom recording and absent myself for a bit in a breakout room, just in case you want to talk amongst yourselves. Figure it'll take around 10 minutes? I'll monitor the completion rate to know when it's safe for me to come back. Or come find me if everyone's done.

Gifts and Remembrances (optional)

A handful of people had voted last class in favor of sharing something awesome they made and are proud of, for the purposes of celebrating as a class. I heartily support this volunteerism!

Let’s take 2-3 minutes for each share.


We’ll spend just about the rest of class working on your individual and group projects / final reflections.

Final portfolio FAQ

Some people have historically asked questions that maybe you have floating around in your head, too.

What do you mean by “linked thumbnail”?

All I mean by thumbnail is a small picture; all I mean by linked is that it should be clickable, a hyperlink.

As you know from previous reflections, you can upload an image into your post on the Issue Queue just by dragging and dropping the file, which will generate some markup like this:


If you want the image to link directly to your repository for that project, you would add another layer of markup, using the structure [anchor](URL). So in this case, because the anchor is that whole long thing GitHub generated after the drag-and-drop, you’d link like this:


Note the double closing in the middle: close-parenthesis, close-bracket.

If that’s too annoying, you can also just paste the regular link underneath the image, like this:

**Soundscape thumbnail:**


[Link to soundscape file](
[Link to soundscape repository](
When you say, "link to a specific point in the revision history..."

When I ask you to link to a specific point in the revision history, i.e. for an earlier draft, you can follow the same setup as above. That is, you can use the structure [anchor](URL).

But instead of getting the URL of the repo as a whole, click through to the commit history, like you did for workshop, and grab the URL of the commit that represents that past moment you want to compare to the present.

Hope that clarifies things!

Set an intention

As usual, please…

  1. Write your goals in the google doc
  2. Save five minutes at the end to talk about prep for next class
  3. Expect to leave an exit note to report on progress and re-set goals for moving forward.

I’ll once again make breakout rooms for small groups, and otherwise hang out in the main room unless people need one-on-one time (when we can go to an extra room set aside for that purpose).

Exit note

When we’re getting toward those last few minutes, please head back to the google doc to write an update: What have you achieved today? What are your goals for the weekend? For the final portfolio?

The ends of a term

  • The final portfolio will be due during our final exam slot, which is Monday, November 30th – the first Monday after Thanksgiving – at 2pm.
  • The reflection is the main thing, so if you do make revisions to earlier projects, please be sure to talk about them in the reflection. Or even if you don’t have time to make revisions, but want to talk about what you would revise, if you had more time, you can talk about that in the reflection, too. I’m interested in what you’ve learned this semester, and what will help you keep learning after it ends.
  • I have office hours next week on Wednesday, 1:30-2:30, but not on Thanksgiving day. Let me know if you’re coming at, or just drop by.
I like to end with poetry.