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Visual Unit Workshop

Work to have done: a solid attempt at a complete visual argument, ideally meeting baseline criteria. Rough edges are still welcome.

Plan for the day:

  1. Workflow Reminder: Describe -> Evaluate -> Suggest (5 min)
  2. Evaluation reminder: our shared criteria (5 min)
  3. Peer Review Workshop (3 times 10-12 min)
  4. Evaluation revisited (10 min)
  5. HW Preview

1. Workflow Reminder: Describe -> Evaluate -> Suggest (5 min)

To help maximize what you learn both in receiving and in giving feedback, please work in the following three steps:

  1. First describe what you see,
  2. Then evaluate where it meets or misses some shared criteria, and
  3. Finally, suggest ways to meet and exceed the criteria.

I have here to return to you the index cards from the audio unit – not from the comments you received, but the comments you gave. Read them over. Were you doing describe/evaluate/suggest? For example, can you tell from the cards what you were reacting to? If so, be proud! See if you can do it again in a new sensory mode. If not, strive to level up today: train your attention to see, and describe, before judging.

2. Evaluation reminder: our criteria (5 min)

We set up a few shared goals and constraints to meet the baseline requirements. Let’s try to help everyone get at least to there!

Baseline criteria For a minimum grade of B, all projects for this unit must:

  • Use arrangement, size, color, visual rhythm, and/or contrast to focus viewers’ attention
  • Have a clear message or intervention
  • If including at least one word, use a carefully chosen font
  • If using no words, be sure to clarify your intention and choice in the reflection
  • Use a purposeful color palette
  • Use at least 3 layers
  • Use at least 1 GIMP tool beyond select, move, and text (e.g. dodge, burn, clone tool, stamp tool)
  • For all of the above, argue in the reflection why you did what you did

Aspirational inspirations To target (but not guarantee) a grade above a B, the best projects for this unit may…

  • Collaborate with the machine by using GIMP automated tools/filters/effects (gradients, blur, etc)
  • Incorporate surprising juxtaposition (as appropriate)
  • Use overlapping pictures/sizing to showcase depth and distance, create 3D space
  • Use folders to group layers
  • Use layer masks for advanced combining / reveals etc
  • Practice using additional GIMP tools/filters that are new to you
  • Create the illusion of seamlessness
  • Create your own visual assets (photography, drawing, etc)
  • Use “keywords toward a visual rhetoric” (scale, density, etc) to analyze/explain your design
  • Demonstrate that viewers understand your intention
  • Use git/GitHub with meaningful commit messages, if that’s still new/challenging

3. Peer Review Workshop (3 times 10-12 min)

Let’s do this!

Before you leave your seat,
  1. load up your GIMP project, and
  2. label three index cards For: {yourname}.


Rotate *counter*-clockwise around the monitor-islands, so that you're getting feedback from (and seeing the project of) someone new. Label one index card From: {yourname}. View / read through the project fully at least once, then
  1. Describe what you see, without judging whether it's good or not. What seems to be the top-level focus? What's next in the hierarchy? Can you say back the argument/claim/intervention?
  2. Evaluate with reference to our shared criteria, in light of the focus you perceive in the project.
  3. Suggest some revision possibility that you think might help take the project to the next level: assume a revision is on the way. Given the goals, the focus, and the criteria, what might be next?

I’ll keep track of time.

On subsequent loops, note that after viewing the project first, you may also want to read and/or refer to the previous index cards.

4. Evaluation revisited (10 min)

Head back to your seats and take a minute to read and photograph the notes you’ve received. (Make sure your photos are legible; I’ll be collecting the cards at the end of class.)

Based on your viewing, would anyone like to propose new criteria, whether baseline or aspirational?

Homework for Next Time

  • Next class will be a graphic designers’ studio: bring headphones for sonic isolation, and whatever else you need to work towards finalizing your visual argument / rhetorical collage.
    • The final draft is due at the end of the day on Sunday, and a reflection by class-time on Tuesday; see the rhetorical collage prompt for further details.
  • Even as we zoom in toward the unit finale (again), I want to keep one eye open toward the bigger picture (again!). Write a short blog post thinking about possible group projects you’d like to try for the end of term.
    • What further possibilities of graphic design might you want to explore in connection with other people, and other media?
    • You can post this to the Issue Queue; like last time, there is no minimum length requirement, but it’s a good opportunity to shape the group unit to match your interests!


If any time remains, go ahead and get started on those revisions!