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Consolidation Unit Studio (and maybe sortof criteria)

Work to have done: Submit final-for-now website, with source files, and reflection; read Paul Ford on the pleasures of reading git commit histories; begin preparing for your final portfolio and a consolidation project to include in it

Plan for the day:

  1. Unit goals revisited / thinking about baselines and aspirations
  2. Brainstorming
  3. Recruitment / pitches for collaborations
  4. Studio time

1. Unit goals revisited

Last class, I introduced this final unit by pointing to three possible paths – a revision of an existing project, a new but similar project, or a project requiring new skills – toward two core aims I had for you:

  1. to integrate and consolidate the skills you’ve practiced across the semester
  2. to assess your own skills as a digital media composer, to find ways you in particular might best contribute to a collaborative digital project (perhaps in the future)

In conversations during Q&A, I had another formulation that seemed worth repeating: the point is to get more practice. I don’t believe that “practice makes perfect” – perfection is not for this world – but I do believe that practice makes habitual, more automatic, less labored. Practice frees up your mind for the next thing. It builds muscle memory.

That’s what I mean when I say “integration.” You don’t have to incorporate all the modes into your final project; you just have to decide what you want more practice in. And then you have to put the practice in. Make sense?

Baseline? Aspirations?

Given those goals, and given the possibility of considerably different skillsets you might all be practicing (including the skill of exploring new software or new media), is there anything that can cut across as a shared baseline?

I’d like to propose some possibilities, and spend a little time as a class working out the kinks. Let’s head over to the shared google doc.

NB: There is no separate reflection deadline for the consolidation unit; you can just include that in the final reflection for the semester.

2. Brainstorming

Now that you have a bit more of a sense of what I’ll be looking for, you may also have a better idea of what you want to do with the time between now and the deadline. On top of which, I know some of you were focused on finishing your websites, and may not have had time to formally propose a consolidation project. (If you need to review the options, see last class’s lesson plan.)

Take a few minutes to revisit your ideas: what might you want to propose, if you haven't yet?

EXT: If you already have a project in mind, consider whether you want to work solo or in a group. If solo, go ahead and get started! If group, start writing your pitch in the google doc for others to see.

3. Moment of Recruitment

As promised, I want to give you some time and space to announce or recruit project tasks and group members. Head over to the shared google doc and write a pitch. It may help to name…

  • some roles you know you’ll need to fill
  • your minimum goals
  • your stretch goals

NB: If you know you’re working solo, skip down to the Studio Goals section, let me know what you’re working on, and go ahead and get started.

To give soloists the maximum studio time, I’m starting out by creating 20 breakout rooms, and letting you move freely from room to room.


When you’re ready to move on, I’ll get out of your way! As is our custom, please write down your studio goals at the beginning of your work-session, and come back at the end with an update and a target for the weekend.

p.s. If your plans for the unit haven't been posted to the consolidation unit proposal queue (a groupmate's post is fine if you're included), please aim to do so by the end of today's class.


Since a few people have mentioned wanting to make their own logos, you might be interested in the relevant tutorial series on the Resources page.

Let me know if you find any more!

I’ll float around once I’m no longer helping folks in the main room. Call me if you need me!

Homework for next time

  • If you haven’t yet done so, please do the Ford reading and commit history activity from last class
  • Have you also considered reading back through your studio goals in the google doc?
  • Continue with whatever work you set out for yourself to consolidate, integrate, and ideally deepen your learning this semester.
  • Post a preview – a beginning – to a repo you’ve told me about in your proposal.