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Sound studio

Work to have done:

Plan for the day:

  1. It’s a studio day! You can choose what to do!
  2. But I do have some revision-oriented notes for the whole class
  3. Studio time
    • Make a plan
    • Execute it
    • Exit note
  4. Deadline reminders

1. It’s a studio day

Today is all about working on your individual projects! Mix sounds, apply effects, watch relevant tutorials. I know your lives are busy; take advantage of this dedicated time free from other distractions and obligations to move your piece forward.

At the same time, it’s worth noting that you’re working in a shared space, in a studio. If you have questions, or you want feedback on something, you have your classmates and your instructor on-hand. Try not to monopolize anyone’s time, but do be open to the possibility of getting farther together than you could on your own.

2. Some revision-oriented notes for the whole class

A few seeds of ideas I want to plant, having listened through as much as I could:

Realism doesn't have to mean real time.

Silence, and sameness, sound a lot longer in playback than they do when you're recording them. Two seconds of nothing could be considered a Grand Pause. Think about how you would write a scene with words: you don't include every moment, every breath, every footstep; you just say, "The doorbell rang, and she opened the door." Similarly, in movies or TV, frequent cuts from one shot to another are the rule, and long takes are the exception. Feel free to elide some moments in time!

If you're worried about signaling how long something takes, consider fading out a background track and fading right back in to a later point in that track.

Differentiate using volume and left/right pan... but don't overdo it.

Many of you are doing smart work to differentiate foreground sounds from background, in part through "ducking" the background to a lower volume while keeping the sound going to provide depth. Similarly, many of you are doing smart work using left/right channels to differentiate speakers or to move things around the landscape.

If you haven't yet tried either, go for it! The left/right channels are visible at the left of any track, as long as the track's tall enough. You can adjust the track's overall volume with the gain slider also located there. Alternately, you can use the Envelope Tool to reversibly change volume for just part of the track.

Two caveats: First, if you're listening to someone way off to your left, you'll probably turn to face them, at least part of the way. So you probably don't need to go all the way to 100% left or 100% right when positioning human voices: try 50% and fine-tune from there.

Second, one risk of layering sounds is "clipping," the kind of crackle or squeal you get if the sound level exceeds what the system can handle. This can especially happen as you layer these sounds together, or amplify them to bring them closer to the listener. If you notice any one waveform hitting the top of the track, or the overall volume going into the red during playback, you're "clipping" part of your sound. Try Effects > Clip Fix, which should give you a little more room.

Consider a musical soundtrack.

Even if your narrative takes place somewhere you wouldn't expect music to actually be audible, a low-key background soundtrack offers a lot of benefits: it covers transitions that would otherwise be silent; it masks differences in background noise across assets and thus helps them seem more like they belong together; and, as we noted when we started this unit, music is great a signaling (or shifting) emotional tone.

Be sure to check out the Sounds and Music section of the Resources page for tips on where to find openly licensed tracks you can use.

Consider how you'll signal it's over.

Endings are tricky. In an essay, I'd say they usually depend on beginnings: completing some thought you'd left open, or answering a question. In stories, there's often an epiphany (new insight) or a denouement, a return to a previous situation but with the characters' perspectives on it now changed. You can try those things with audio, too, but there are added elements: if you have music, you can make sure to "resolve" back into the root chord, or to complete a rhythmic sequence; if you have an ongoing event, you can fade out; if you have a surprise or joke ending, you can signal intentionality by muting almost all the backgrounds to draw attention to the one track that remains.

There are lots of ways to do this. But if you're satisfied with the overall shape, endings are one place where you can put a little extra polish in!

Consider how you're giving credit.

If you're using sounds someone else recorded, be sure to include enough information to recover where it came from. (See Writer/Designer page 162, and the Creative Commons' own recommendations.)

If you're using source material with a Creative Commons license, you do need to specify *which* license it uses: CC-BY, CC-BY-NC, etc. This is especially important for Share-Alike licenses (CC-BY-SA, etc), because they force you to use the same license and can therefore be in conflict with each other. You can add this information at the end of the audio file, like in Coffee Cart Conversations, or you can use that space after your narrative ends to point listeners toward a text file in your repository.

Note as well that any kind of CC-BY license requires you to say who made the source, not just say that it has a CC-BY license. (That's what the BY means.) Nor is it enough to give a link to the search engine or database that you found it with: point to the specific page for the individual file you're using.

Okay, now go to!

Set a goal

What do you want to work on today? Add it to

Don't forget to save and commit as you go!

NB: If you’re working asynchronously, set a timer for one hour.

Exit note

When your time is up, return to the google doc and say how far you got / set new goals for the weekend.

Homework for next time

  • Aiming for 11:59pm on Sunday, but definitely by Tuesday, complete – at least for now – your audio narrative. Your repository (on GitHub, ideally, or in a Box/OneDrive folder shared to me) should include:
    • Your most up-to-date layered Audacity project file (.aup3)
    • A flattened, playable export (.mp3)
    • A series, now, of screenshots showing your Audacity project in progress. (Think about what moments are worth remembering as you go: where did you level up, or realize something, or get stuck?)
    • An updated set of credits (in their own file, or in the README) reflecting what you actually used, including documentation of any outside sources and your permission to use them (e.g. explicit licenses like CC – say which one – or fair use)
    • An updated file introducing your soundscape narrative to a new audience. Give your piece a title! Make it something to live beyond this assignment, if you can. :¬)
  • By Tuesday’s class, write a prose reflection that incorporates images from your feedback and screenshots of your Audacity project. As explained in the prompt, this should include:
    • At least 500 words
    • Your own assessment of how you met the baseline criteria and goals for the unit, as well as any aspirational criteria as appropriate
    • At least one screenshot of feedback you used (and please say how)
    • At least one or two screenshots of your work in progress (ideally, related to the discussion in the previous two bullets)
  • Post your reflection to the course site’s Issue queue, to make it easier to embed images.
    • If you want to then copy the source code into a file in your repo called, I won’t stop you!
    • If you feel strongly that you’d rather keep your reflection private, you can email it to me instead. But my default assumption is that we learn from each other as much as from ourselves, so I hope you can find a way to write publicly about your experience with this project.
  • Relatedly: Want to see a sample reflection? You could do worse than to look at Fatema Quaid’s notes on “A Haunted Halt” or Tyller Barner’s on “Coffee Cart Conversations.” (I would point out, though, that Barner’s is more than three times the minimum length. That’s not necessary, or expected! But you can treat that as a maximal vision of what you might include.)