group project proposal

The Content Layer

Your main content goal for this unit should be a project pitch for the collaborative unit to follow: some digital media project that will involve you and several classmates in composing something you could not achieve on your own.

It should include:

  • at least one human-readable html or Markdown document, conforming to the html5 standard;
  • at least one internal and one external hyperlink;
  • at least one image;
  • a reference to your stylesheet (see below).

Parachute prompts

If you can't think of anything of your own to use, even after brainstorming with me, try one of these options. But please chat with me first, as I may be able to help you flesh out a nascent idea.
  • Work on WordPress administration and theming to redesign our course site, or build a new one.
  • Work on a mini-journal series of multimodal essays – whether journalistic or personal. Could include photo essays, video essays, [interactive websites](, etc, depending on the interests of group members.
  • Work on a hypertext narrative or game, perhaps using Twine.

Consider: what did you hope to make in this class that isn't yet on the syllabus?

website layout

The Display Layer

Use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to add visual appeal to your project pitch. You are welcome to begin with an open source stylesheet, such as an html5 template (e.g. from or or framework (e.g. Bootstrap).

If you do use a template, however, I'd like to see you introduce at least 3 new or modified rules, to demonstrate (and encourage) your understanding of how the CSS works.

Consider: how do your favorite websites organize their content?


The Reflection Layer

In at least 500-800 words, reflect on the process of completing this project: What was new to you in designing this website? How do your CSS rules reflect the design principles (emphasis, contrast, alignment, etc) we've been thinking about all semester? What aspirational goals did you strive for?

Consider: What have you learned in this unit about web design?

github icon

How to Submit

An initial draft is due on Thursday, October 26th, when we'll have workshop; the "final" draft is due, for voting, one week later on Thursday, November 2nd. You can keep revising until the final portfolio.

To post, use GitHub to host your html and all the assets it depends on: images, css, js. You can then activate GitHub pages using the Settings tab in your repository, which will make your pages visible.

When it's ready, post a link to your page on the issue queue for my class GitHub page:

You're starting to get the hang of this now, right?